Majority of the world’s saffron comes from Iran. Therefore Iran sets the pace for saffron prices in the world.
Generally speaking, for commercial buyers saffron import price during the recent years has been USD 600-1200 per kg, for consumers USD 3-8 per g. It fluctuates according to market conditions, like any other agricultural product. It depends on the type of saffron as well, top grade looks better visually, and has better taste, color and aroma properties.
Globally, every country has different prices in the retail market and it tends to be more stable. Again, it depends on the type of the saffron as well.
Saffron retail prices in the world
- In Europe (Spain, France, Italy, etc) USD 6 per g
- Asia (Vietnam, China, India, etc) USD 3 per g
- America (USA) USD 8 per g
- Middle east (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, etc) USD 1 per g
- In USD 1,5 per g
Price for the consumer in Iran
Iran is a home of saffron. It is cultivated in the northern part of the country. Saffron is part of their food culture. Saffron is cheapest in Iran. Some Persian foods where saffron is used are rice, sharbat, drinks, cake, dessert bastani (icecream), halva, rice pudding shole-zand.
Usually a household in Iran is using powder to spice the food. However there are other options such as threads and spray as well.
Saffron export price in Iran
If you are on the market to buy commercially, the best option is to buy saffron from Iran. During last recent years saffron prices have been following:
- Super negin USD 600-1200
- Negin USD 500-960
- Sargol USD 440-890
- Pushal USD 400-800
Saffron market prices in Iran for the last 30 days
To import saffron from Iran you need to find a saffron company who has an export license and facilities to sort, package and store the saffron. They are also regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and have to follow certain standards of food manufacturing.
As said saffron price is set by supply and demand in the market. When the harvest is low and demand is high the price goes up. When exporting the saffron, it is usually nominated in EUR or USD. This means when local currency Rial gets cheaper relative to western currencies also the price of saffron becomes cheaper. The currency exchange rate depends on politics and Iran economy.
Latest saffron market price in Iran
Saffron prices in USD for the last 30 days. EXW Iran
Saffron price overview
Majority of the world’s saffron comes from Iran. Therefore Iran sets the pace for saffron prices in the world. Generally speaking, for commercial buyers saffron
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Iranian Saffron Export and Restrictions
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How to Test Saffron Quality Fast
1. Real quality saffron should be crunchy and dry between your fingers. After rubbing it should leave yellow color on your fingers. 2. Smell. Genuine
Saffron Price in Iran
Majority of the world’s saffron comes from Iran. When buying saffron from Iran in bulk, the prices start from 700 USD per kg for lower